Monday, July 9, 2012

The Bachelorette and why I LOVE Emily...

Any of you who know me know that I enjoy nothing more than to watch reality TV. I become especially obsessed with someone I know is on it. Living in Nashville for several years has allowed me to meet a lot of people who ended up on reality TV. That's just how it is. It'd be the same if I had lived in NYC or LA.

With that being said, I know a lot of interesting characters. It allows me to laugh at the outlandish stories that publications such as US Weekly posts and also angers me when they talk about someone that I love. I'm a loyal friend and I take things personally. I don't like people trashing my friends.

I have a VERY soft spot in my heart for Emily and I'll explain why as well as shut up the people who have had bad things to say about her.

If you've been in college or a young professional, you probably have at some point had a roommate. These situations can be magical or a nightmare, they are hardly ever in between the two extremes. A few years ago I lived with someone who was...umm...not magical. I'm trying to be nice so I'll spare you all the horrible details of living with a psychopath. It got so bad that I broke my lease and got the heck outta there. It was the best thing for me to do and I thought that would be the end of it since we did not run in the same social circles. However, it was just the beginning of the trouble I had. "Coincidentally" ( get my drift) right after I moved out, "someone" decided to make a fake Facebook profile using my picture and basically slandering me in any way possible.

I woke up to text messages, phone calls, emails, singing telegrams (not really, but you know the rumor mill and how fast things get around) from friends telling me to get on my computer immediately and check it out. I was horrified. I had never read such trash in my life. The things on this page were not a representation of me and what's worse is they took it upon themselves to write emails to my friends and send friend requests to EVERYONE I knew. I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. I cried and cried and cried. Why would anyone be so vicious and hurtful? I will never understand why people think it's okay to do things like that. I was too embarrassed to go out because I knew that everyone had seen it. To say I was humiliated would be an understatement. I knew those things weren't true but they still hurt.

Unfortunately at the time I couldn't just curl up on the couch and cry all day because I was in school and working part time at an upscale boutique. I looked like crap and felt even worse. The day after it happened, I was scheduled to work. This is where Emily comes in. I knew who she was socially and thought she was drop dead gorgeous but I had never met her officially. I offered to help her and thought she was really sweet and warm. A few minutes into helping her she said, "Are you Courtney Allen?"...I thought...OH NO...she has seen this profile..she has heard these terrible lies about me...EVERYONE has seen it...I hesitantly replied yes and she looked right at me and said, "I just want you to know that I don't know you but I know what happened to you. I've had people do the same thing to me so I know exactly what you're going through...I'm so sorry that you're having to go through this...I know people who know you and think you're great and can't believe that anyone would do this to you."

Can you say guardian angel? I totally believe that God used Emily to comfort me in a time where I was practically inconsolable. I don't believe in coincidences, I believe in God's guidance and BLESSINGS. That was all it took for me to love Emily. She was a complete stranger to me yet she reached out when she didn't have to. She could have just thought..oh that's the poor girl I saw on Facebook..but she didn't. She went out of her way to make me feel better and I will never forget that.

From that point on, Emily and I became fast friends. Her daughter is sassy and cute...basically a mini Emily. What you see is what you get with her. She really is THAT wonderful and she really does care THAT much. Those aren't crocodile tears you see on The Bachelorette. She is as genuine as they come. I'm pretty sure she is the most gorgeous person that I have ever encountered but she is also much more than that. She has a heart of gold and she is a good mother. It angers me when I see things online or in magazines trashing her. She is someone's mother. She is a woman who deserves a second chance at love...or a third..or however many times it takes to find the ONE. She has been through so much and doesn't deserve the backlash.

I have always loved watching The Bachelorette but I've especially enjoyed Emily's journey because I know that it is real. She just wants what everyone else wants and that is to be loved and have someone who loves her daughter..unconditionally. If anyone deserves it, it is her.

So for those of you who wonder if she is sincere or as great as she seems on TV...the answer is no, she's better.

Thanks for reading!

xo - C


  1. New follower! Love this post! She does seem like a genuine, down-to-earth person! :) Emily is fabulous. I feel awful for her, but I guess that's part of being in the limelight. Paparazzi & magazines wouldn't make it if they didn't speak negative things about famous people. Sad, but true! However, people just have to believe what they want. I for one believe that Emily is gorgoeus & an amazing mother! Love her!

    1. Hey Jade! Thanks for reading and commenting! Yes, whenever you do put yourself in the public eye you can bet on getting trashed by the media. I just wanted people to have a REAL story about Emily to show what a gem she is! I'm glad that you like her and are enjoying the show! :)

  2. I have not experienced what you have but I do know what it's like to be a GOOD person and people feel the need to dislike you. I will never understand that.
    I too am a single mom, like Emily. I have been raising my two children alone for 8 years. I know what it's like to want a true love for yourself and give my children a family again.
    I am so glad Emily decided to take on the challenge of being The Bachelorette. She has kept things real! I am so impressed by her and support her 200%!! I am finally getting my wish (I'm engaged!) and pray Emily gets her wish too!
    I enjoyed your blog!! Thank you so much for sharing! I wish you & Emily the best on your respective journeys. Hugs to you both!!
    ~Julie Leithner

    1. Hey Julie!

      Props to you for being a single mom! I know that has to be difficult to provide for your children as well as be a good role model for them. I can't even imagine taking on the challenge of getting back into the dating world on top of that! Congrats on your engagement! I hope you'll have a blessed union! thanks for reading and stop by any time :) xo

  3. This is such a great story. Its horrible that you went through something so terrible but at least in the end you found someone, a friend, who didn't choose to believe those things said about you. People can be so hateful but that's their problem. They're probably just jealous :) Emily seems like such a sweetheart! I wish I could meet her one day.

  4. thanks for posting, Danielle! Yes, people can be hateful and unfortunately it is something we can't control. I've had my fair share of trials through the past few years but if it weren't for them I wouldn't have the support system that I have now! thanks for reading :)

  5. Found this link through one of Emily's RT's on Twitter...This is so sweet. I love it. Completely agree with you--there are no coincidences, only God creating divine appointments! You both seem so sweet and genuine. We need more people like that in this word!


  6. Isn't it amazing how God sends those people into our lives right when we need them most?!! I love Emily, too and hoping she finds her happily ever after :) New follower! Stop over and say hello!!

    from The Pink Pineapple

    1. The Pink Pineapple!!!! I LOVE IT! I can't wait to check out your blog! You must be a southern girl with a blog name like that :) thanks for reading and I'm looking forward to talking with you again! :)

    2. I'm so glad I went to your blog! helped me get a cute background and header :) super cute! thanks!

  7. Hi Courtney,

    My name is Michelle Cox and I am from a small town in North Carolina called Ayden. I happened to come across your blog and wanted to thank you for writing such a wonderful post. While watching The Bachelorette this season I have been sincerely touched by Emily. She conducts herself with such grace and poise. It is so refreshing to see a woman who is true to her morals and who loves her daughter so very much. Emily is certainly a wonderful role model to young women like myself. Thank you for sharing your story about how Emily blessed your life. Even though I don't know her, she has touched my life also. Her love for the Lord shines through everything she says and does. I pray she has found the love of her life. I wish I could thank her personally for being such a wonderful role model. Thank you also for your heartfelt and genuine post.

    Michelle :)

    1. Hey Michelle! A Carolina Girl...BEST IN THE WORLD :) Of course, I'm kind of biased because I'm a South Carolina girl myself :) Thanks for your kind words! I appreciate you reading and hope you'll continue to come back!

  8. I love love love Emily because she does seem real and fake and not in it for the wrong reasons. She's pure and sweet NOT skanky and low like other bachelorettes. I hope she finds true love, because she does deserve it. She's beyond gorgeous. I pray one day I can meet her, because I absolutely adore her. Thanks for sharing.

    1. thanks for reading :) glad you enjoyed and that you love Emily!

  9. Thanks for sharing your story about Emily. She does seem like such a sweetheart. I am so impressed with her high standards and was so proud of her when she refused the fantasy suite with Brad. I was not surprised how she handled it (fantasy suite) as being the Bachelorette. I like how you are defending your friend. That is how I feel when people say rude things about Mormons. I am not a Mormon but I have many friends that are. My roomates in college were Mormons and their high standards and values helped shape who I am today. I thank god for them. So when people say rude things about Jef and his family for being Mormon it is really unfortunate because people just don't understand. I think everyone deserves true love and happiness. Regardless of their past, religion, or anything else. Everyone deserves happiness. It is a birthright.

    1. absolutely! it is important to remember that we all have our own beliefs and it is not our place to judge others because they have different views than we do.

  10. I loved reading this post (thanks Emily for tweeting the link!) because it just confirms everything I've thought about Emily by watching the Bachelorette: that she's truly a sweet, kind, big-hearted and genuine woman! On last night's episode, I gained SO much respect for her, sticking to her convictions on not staying the night with the men but upholding her reputation and setting a great example to not only her daughter, but women everywhere! The show has always had a somewhat-trashy reputation, but if anyone could bring some class to the Bachelor/ette franchise, it was Emily! I hope that she found true love (#teamJef)!

    1. That was my favorite part, too! I always hate when it gets to the part where they present the "fantasy suite"...let's face it, on most seasons, everyone given the option of going to the fantasy suite takes it. They think that if they don't, the won't be chosen. Therefore, these men or women are essentially giving themselves to three different people. A week later, two of them are sent home. It's not normal and it's not surprising that people truly get hurt through this process. Real relationships don't need to be defined by spending the night together and seeing what happens.

  11. I agree with the others. Emily has amazing grace, and poise. She has such a natural sweetness to her that can't be faked. I get annoyed at the magazines, strangers online ripping her to shreds. She, like the rest of us deserves everything in life to make her happy. I think people attack because seeing her brings out their own inner fears - Maybe unlike Emily they don't have the courage to put themselves out there like that?
